☯ LUSH Haul // Cupcake Face Mask & Granny Takes A Dip ☯


When anyone says 'bath bombs' I automatically think of LUSH. This is not due to some outstanding marketing technique (when do you ever see a television advert for lush?) it is simply due to their gorgeous bath bombs and the fact that everyone at some point in their life has gone in to a lush store just to have a good ol' whiff.

I did this over the weekend and because I got paid the other day (PAYDAY) I decided to take some of the store home with me. I took home the 'Cupcake' face mask and 'Granny Takes A Dip' bath bomb.

Cupcake- Face mask 

looks a tiny bit like poop
I have been suffering a lot for breakouts recently, (I blame my new job in the food industry) so the description 'Chocolate heaven for oily and teenage skin, help absorb excess oil and calm breakouts' intrigued me as I am A) a teenager and B) suffering for breakouts. So I brought it and now here are some less HD photos of me using it. 


Trying to look the tiniest bit attractive whilst using this was hard.
 *P.S I was wearing the same t-shirt as Pharrell here HoW cOoL)


My skin is honestly baby smooth. It has this crunchy things that I am guessing exfoliate and make your skins feel soon nice and even a day later as I am writing this my skin still feels amazing. 

Granny Takes A Dip - Bath Bomb 

I love how colourful it is and honestly it smells amazing! Really lemony and I am going to get the colours speak for themselves... 

My Bath tub looked like a piece of art. It was B-E-AUTIFUL

I hope you Enjoyed this Post and I look forward to doing more LUSH posts in the Future!


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