London Pride ! // Style & Outfit Inspiration and Lifestyle // Summer 17 #3


Why Hello! 

On Saturday I travelled up to my capital city, London. The reason behind this was PRIDE! 

Hurrah!!!!! I had never been to a major pride event before but I am so glad that I did! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! It was so lovely to have so many people all together to support the LGBT+ community, everyone was just so lovely and nice to each other it was magical!!

The weather was fantastic, which is a rare for ye ol’ London town (I even got a sunburn). Me and my friends decided to watch the parade and stuck around Trafalgar square the majority of the time, but there were so many other events happening all across London such as concerts and drag performances, which I am insanely jealous of! Some of my favourite Ru Paul girls where there! 

The parade was insane though, there was so much love, consideration and just overall amazing-ness (is that a word?) that you could feel in the air! So incredibly proud of my city, I love that London is such a diverse and amazing place and supports everyone regardless of what shape,colour,size,sex what ever it doesn't matter! I honestly recommend that everyone goes to pride at least once, I promise you will enjoy every second!



I really hope that everyone enjoys this post! LGBT+ rights are something that is dear to my heart. Everyone has the right to love who ever they want to. It still baffles me how some people can be so small minded! But events like this prove to everyone that sexuality or gender is fluid that isn't as simple as straight males and females! We are all on a spectrum people! But I am getting a little preachy so anyways I highly advise you make the trip to your local pride event and show your 

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