Autumn / Rainy Day Outfit Inspiration and Style // Daily Blogging #14


Another post up at almost 1am! I am very much a night creature but I need to start cracking on at getting these daily blog out a bit earlier! 

For those of you who live in the U.S.A (and from what I can see most of you reading this do HELLO THERE MY AMERICAN PALS) you probably don't know that its has been rainy and horrid in England so that means the winter wardrobe has been officially opened

Shirt; I dunno its my brothers- sozza 
Shoes; Fake Yeezys from aliexpress! 

Finally another week over roll on the weekend! Not to long now for one of my favourite holidays halloween! I am super excited and its just what I need after all the stress from course work lately, anyhow hope you are having a good one! 


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